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Self Administration

Our self-administration consists of different committees, which govern the living of students. This is the best mode of organisation for allowing to consult occupant about decisions.

Diagram about self-administration
The self-governing consists of the Kollegausschuss (dormitory board), the top level panel, as well as the Hausparlament (house parliament) chaired by the respective Haussprecher. Belegungsausschuss (allocation committee) and Wohnzeitausschuss (tenancy time committee) are other committees which handel special tasks. All this comitees are controlled by the Kontrollrat (Controll-commitee) and the Ältestenrat (Council of Elders).


Functions and boards in self-administration

Ältestenrat (ÄRa)

The Ältestenrat (council of elders, ÄRa) monitors the work of HaDiKo e.V. and oversees resolutions of the augmented executive comittee and Kollegausschuss in respect of lawfullness and consistency with older descisions. Furthermor the Ältestenrat ist responsible for the realization of elections for the entire HaDiKo. It consists of the members dispatched of the respective houses.

Haussprecher (HS)

The Haussprecher represents the house to the other Spokesmen and the administration. The Spokesman is the chairman of the Hausparlament and the Hausvollversammlung. Futhermore he has the domestic authority and keeps the keys for the house. To get in touch with your Spokesman write an e-mail to "X" represents the house-number. You can also call them by dialing 475x, where x is the according house number.

A list of the current Spokesmen you can find here in the wiki.

Hausparlament (HP) house-parliament

The Hausparlament consists of the floor spokespeople (FS), the spokesmen of the house, the dormitory board members and the Kontrollrat. The Hausparlament attends to all house-intern affairs. The sessions are public.
Article in the wiki (for residents)

Hausvollversammlung (HVV)

The "Hausvollversammlung" (plenary meeting of a house) is an extended house parliament where every resident of the respective house is entitled to vote. This meeting will be held when there are important issues to discuss that concern all residents of the house. This is why the participation is mandatory. Written excuses are to be sent to the "Kontrollrat".

Kollegausschuss (KA) (dormitory board)

The Kollegausschuss is the uppermost committee in the self-governing. Every house dispatches (K1 three, K2 four, K3-K5 three) representatives. With the SV-Vorstand and the Ältestenrat they discuss all matters which affects all houses.

Belegungsausschuss (BA)

The Belegungsausschuss (BA) is responsible for the assignment of the rooms and the choice of the applicants. It consists of 15 members, whereas every house dispatches 3 inhabitants into the Belegungsausschuss. The work of the Belegunsausschuss is one of the most responsible acivities in the self-government of HaDiKo, because without the proper inhabitants self-goverment doesn't work. To avoid abuse of power, there are a couple of quotas and policies which have to be conisdered by every BA-member so there is a fair competition between applicants for HaDiKo. Due to these regulations, it is impossible to consider the wishes of the floor or applicants every time. The SV-Liste tells you who makes up the current BA. If you would like to know how to apply for HaDiKo, please consider the pages below Our Dormitory. The SV-List tells you who makes up the current BA.

If you would like to know how to apply for HaDiKo, please consider the page "Application".

Sozialausschuss (SAS)

The Sozialauschuss (SAS) of HaDiKo supports inhabitants in need for financial aid with interest-free credits as well as consultation. Every request is considered in a personal interview with the members of the Sozialausschuss and one Ältestenrat. After theses interview there will be made a decision about the height of the financial support. As a applicant your are free to bring a assistant along, for example if you have poor knowledge about the German language. For further information please refer to "Richtlinien für den SAS" in the Heimordnung. If you have any further questions please contact a member of the SAS.
The current members you can find here in the wiki.

Wohnzeitausschuss (WZA)

The Wohnzeitausschuss checks the quantity of Wohnzeitpunkte for every decent inhabitant which lived for more than 10 semester in state-funded residential home. Those inhabitants which do not posess enough Wohnzeitpunkte are proposed for cancellation.